
Module containing classes representing a Slurm batch script and corresponding JSON encoder and decoder

class pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScript(executable: str, arguments: str = '')

Slurm batch script

Represents a single-task Slurm batch script. Additionally, a simple file transfer mechanism between node and shared file systems is realized.


Path to executable


Arguments that will be passed to executable


Mapping of sbatch options to objects (string-) representing values

Type:dict(str, object)

Transfer executable to node.


Sequence of input files that are copied to the node before executing executable


Sequence of output files that are moved after executing executable

class pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScriptDecoder

JSON decoder for Slurm batch script

This callable class can be used as an object_hook when loading a JSON object from disk. All objects that represent a Slurm batch script, with or without macros, are decoded into the corresponding Python type.

decode(description: Dict[str, Any]) → pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScript

Decode Slurm batch script.

Parameters:description (dict(str, object)) – Script’s JSON-compatible representation
Returns:Slurm batch script
Return type:SBatchScript
decode_macro(description: Dict[str, Any]) → pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScriptMacro

Decode Slurm batch script containing macros.

If script points to a string, it is interpreted as a path to a JSON-encoded Slurm batch script on disk that will be loaded and decoded.

Parameters:description (dict(str, object)) – Script’s JSON-compatible representation
Returns:Slurm batch script
Return type:SBatchScriptMacro
class pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScriptEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)

JSON encoder for Slurm batch script

This class provides a JSON-compatible representation of a Slurm batch script; both SBatchScript and SBatchScriptMacro are supported.

default(o: Any) → Dict[str, Any]

Try to encode the given object.

class pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScriptMacro(script: pyssub.sbatch.SBatchScript, macros: Dict[str, Any])

Slurm batch script with macro support

The macro support allows to put variables (macros) into the script and to reuse it for different values. The macro support is based on Python’s format specification mini-language.


Slurm batch script containing macros


Macro values that are inserted into the script when the script’s string representation is called

Type:dict(str, object)


Create a script with one macro.

>>> skeleton = SBatchScript("echo", "'{macros[mg]}'")
>>> script = SBatchScriptMacro(skeleton, {"msg": "Hello World!"})